Monday, 2 April 2012

Breast Implants – Things to Know!

breast implant placement alternatively known as augmentation of breast is part of cosmetic surgery carried out on ladies to provide proper shape and attraction to customers based on their individual needs. This surgery is a kind of corrective technique applied to individuals who are suffering due to loss of shape after delivery as most women tend to lose their previous elasticity or say firmness. This sometimes plays havoc in a women’s life and it gradually affects the relationships. The negative impact even robs a woman of her self confidence.

There are cases of women suffering silently with shape disparity that would have been natural. In such cases reshaping method includes mechanism to create a matching reconstruction where the artificial implant needs to be done. The breast implant placement is decided depending on the nature of the medical attention each issue requires. The implants could be placed below the pectoral muscle known as sub glandular or it can be placed partially over the muscle or over the breast tissue. The right decision shall be taken by the Cosmetic Surgeon who must be a professional in this field. By doing an implant augmentation, the cup size could be corrected and increased to a satisfactory level.

The surgery is carried out by creating an incision in the inner side of the breast along the pleat. General anesthesia is applied before the surgery and the surgeon carry out the opening, making a space behind the breast issue or inside the chest muscle to fix the breast implant placement. The surgery can be completed in one to two hour time by a professional hand. After the operation, the incised part is sealed with stitches and supporting elements would be placed for quick healing of the patient. But do remember to get in touch with an experienced practitioner or surgeon of repute only.

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